With love
Ally South is an inspiring and serene instructor. She is calm and spiritual creating an atmosphere that helps to engage the mind and body during the practice. Ally always starts the session by asking how we feel and adjusting the practice to promote healing and well-being. She is an absolute joy to work with.
- Dr Axler & Jean, Los Angeles
Ally has really enhanced my life by introducing me to and teaching me my yoga practice. She is a beautiful person to work with and has taught me how the craft of movement and breathing through yoga can really help people feel great and be at their best. I come away from our sessions feeling refreshed, strong, and ready to conquer the day!
-Tracey Edmonds, Los Angeles
Of all the fitness programs out there, none fights the ageing process better than yoga. And Ally worked around my many limitations to design the best practice for me. My flexibility has never been better, and my vertigo has been kept in check. Thanks, Ally
- Eric, Los Angeles
After the wear and tear of life, I’m looking to feel more wholeness, strength, and ownership of my body. Ally’s incredible knowledge and experience of women’s bodies wake up the muscles and awareness of the parts of our bodies that have become weak, tired, and even numb.
In my case, I’m looking to build strength and awareness in my legs, pelvic floor, and core, and after just a few classes Ally’s teaching is waking up my lower body with calm but strength-building movements.
Her teaching manner is slow, calm, and deliberate while empathetic and respectful, and the effect is powerful. It is so inspiring to discover again one’s wholeness, encouraging for all areas of my life.
-Emily, Los Angeles
I did prenatal and postnatal yoga with Ally and she was amazing! She always changed up the routine and accommodated my health/pregnancy needs.
- Naina, Los Angeles
It’s sad to hear that you’re leaving us. You are a fantastic teacher and you will be missed.
- Mimi, Australia
I keep coming back to the same 'place'...which is that I was truly happier when attending your yoga class (as a compliment to yourself). I felt encouraged by you and wanted to pursue it further. You truly were an inspiration!
-Michael, London